Expires August 31, 2025, $60
Your membership gift is a tax-deductible gift to UT Austin
This membership is ideal for parents/families who are looking for a starting point to grow with their student's college experience, one year at a time. You can renew your One-Year supporting membership annually or you can easily upgrade to a Four-Year supporting membership before the end of the year.
As a One-Year supporting member, you will receive all basic supporting member benefits, including communications from the association and access to the Facebook group, and these additional One-Year supporting member benefits:
- One “Texas Proud” t-shirt
- One car decal
- Refrigerator magnet
- Luggage tag
View and download the 2024-25 Member Benefit Flyer here.
Benefits subject to change.
One-Year Supporting Membership
Receive support during your student's formative first year on campus.